DMG’s Landlord / Listing Inspection Report (LI) is designed specifically for Landlords and Sellers to identify what the current condition of the building is and how much it will cost to fix or repair to get full listing price and/or square up terms at the end of a tenants lease.
The LI combines a photo log and an excel cost table. Process includes:
1. Conduct walk through survey inspecting the building’s exterior & interior
2. Evaluate the components of the building of deferred conditions
3. Itemized COST TABLE of suggested remedies of repairs, replacements & significant maintenance items
4. Comprehensive written and photographic report
5. Report completed within 1-2 working days
Photographic written report includes the following categories:
Visual Assessment of the following installations:
The LI combines a photo log and an excel cost table. Process includes:
1. Conduct walk through survey inspecting the building’s exterior & interior
2. Evaluate the components of the building of deferred conditions
3. Itemized COST TABLE of suggested remedies of repairs, replacements & significant maintenance items
4. Comprehensive written and photographic report
5. Report completed within 1-2 working days
Photographic written report includes the following categories:
- Structure
- Electrical
- Heating/Air Conditioning
- Ventilation
- Plumbing
- Roofing
- Interior
- Exterior
- Fire Sprinkler Certification & Extinguisher Tags
- The 5-year cert. for the fire sprinkler riser will be photographed and documented IF visible to verify if it is current or expired.
- The fire extinguisher tags will be photographed and documented IF visible to verify if they are current or expired.
- NO TESTING OF FIRE SPRINKLER or ALARM SYSTEMS WILL BE DONE, due to licensed cert. qualifications.
Visual Assessment of the following installations:
- Roofing membrane: Including soffits, flashing
- Parking lot: Potential for paving deterioration
- Offices: Condition of architectural finishes
- Structural components: Foundation, Floor, Walls, Ceiling & Roof Structure
- Interior: Components: Windows, doors, stairs, flooring, wall coverings
- Exterior: Walls, doors, windows, woodwork, decks, grading, sidewalks, parking lots, retaining walls, fence, signage
- Heating & Air Conditioning equipment
- Electrical: Main Panel, Auxiliary Panels, Switches, Lighting, Fixtures
- Plumbing: Water Supply Source, Waste, Vent Piping, Fixtures, Water Heater, Condition of fixtures
- Investigative work and other investigative work such as:
- Interviews, ADA compliance, building code requirements, building violations, building permits, As-built drawings review, historical documentation, legal documentation of any kind, past engineering or contracting methodologies, and plans or remedies, etc.
- Fire sprinkler systems, risers, fire alarm systems, and life safety systems
- Manufacturing or any equipment related to the business operations
- Invasive testing
- Environmental assessments that also include the identification of asbestos, lead, mold or moisture intrusion
- Landscaping & Irrigation systems
- Sump pumps and all underground equipment
- Conditions in inaccessible areas, i.e. interior space between roof decks and acoustical drop ceilings
- We do not pop open ceiling tiles
- We do not test individual electrical wall outlets
- Crawl spaces and attics
- Termite investigation
- No warranty is either expressed or implied