ALTA Survey Explanation
3 Different Inspections Explained
Phase I Environmental Explanation
BASIC BUILDING INSPECTIONGreat tool for a new tenant or buyer to identify deferred conditions.
Turn around – 24-48 hours. LANDLORD/LISTING INSPECTIONGreat tool for a landlord or seller of commercial property to assess the full value of their building.
Turn around – 24-48 hours. ASBESTOS, LEAD, & MOLD TESTINGGreat tools to be in compliance and eliminate liability before any occupancy and worker protection.
Turn around – 10-12 days |
BUILDING ASSESSMENT REPORTGreat tool for negotiations for a new tenant or buyer.
Turn around - 24-48 hours. 1527-21 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTALGreat tool to help avoid acquiring an existing environmental problem. (Typically required by a Lender).
Turn around – 12-15 days. |
PROPERTY COND. ASSESSMENTGreat tool for investment properties to understand immediate and long term costs. Turn around – 7-10 days.
PHASE II ENVIRONMENTALGreat tool to identify if contamination or soil vapor exists in a building or on a property that may pose an environmental threat to human health.
Turn around – 10-12 days. ALTA SURVEYGreat tool prior to a listing to get legal square footage of the property’s parcel and footprint and to locate any encroachments or easements that may hinder development.
Turn around - 25-30 days. |